
Indivizo delivers an integrated suite of recruitment solutions designed to help HR decision-makers find the best...
In a world where it’s hard to get a true sense of a person from an online profile or CV, myInterview provides...
FaceCruit is a video interview and recruitment system that offers SMBs and large enterprises a centralized platform...
Team+ is an HR and Talent Management web platform, allowing recruiters to post new job positions and candidates to...
Jobatar is an on demand video interviewing platform, offering companies a very cost effective alternative to the...
ePoise is an asynchronous cloud based online video interviewing and screening solution. Save time, cost and efforts....
Spark Hire is an easy-to-use video interviewing platform with 5,000+ customers conducting video interviews in over...
Jobatar is an on demand video interviewing platform, offering companies a very cost effective alternative to the...
Active Interview is the leading video interviewing software on the web. Make faster placement and save money using...
RecRight (previously provides you the most effective, easiest-to-use video interviewing tool on the...
A curated marketplace of recruiters on-demand, with automated video interviews. Saving employers 90% cost compared to...
Indivizo delivers an integrated suite of recruitment solutions designed to help HR decision-makers find the best...
Got a job interview coming up? Want to stand out from the competition and get the job? Welcome to InterviewGOLD,...
Spark Hire is an easy-to-use video interviewing platform with 5,000+ customers conducting video interviews in over...
With Voice Advantage, a simple web-based dashboard, our global client base can create and distribute custom video or...
Evaluate Your Prospective Sales Reps Using Real Consumers
Picking the right people is a key element in business success and the recruitment and interview process is obviously...


2 February, 2014

Spark Hire Video Interviewing

This blog post is a guest post provided by Spark Hire 's Josh Tolan Quick question: Why should video interviewing be expensive? Take a second to think about that. Are you drawing a...
21 January, 2014

RecRight Video Interviews

This blog post is a guest post provided by RecRight 's Samuli Ahola. RecRight was formed in 2012. The founders of the company were struggling with job interviews: The interview was,...
3 May, 2013

User reviews, mobile & maps

User Reviews Finally, we've decided to launch a new feature that allows your users to review your software on In the end, one of the most important aspects of...

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